Father Joseph Kentenich was the instrument chosen by God to give origin to the international Schoenstatt Movement. He was born on November 18, 1885, in Gymnich, near Cologne, Germany. He deeply loved Mary and the Church. At the age of nine his mother consecrated him to the Mother of God. At that point, he placed himself entirely under her protection until the end of his life. He was very young when he felt called to the priesthood; nothing moved him more than the desire to make God known to today’s world. He saw in Mary a model of the human person in fullness of integrity. Through his education, he led others to recognize the gift of inner freedom and the human dignity given by God.
He perceived in Mary’s relationship God the perfect representation of how we should relate to God and be ready to serve our neighbor. He devoted his whole life to one great goal: to form a new person, in the image of Mary, in a new community, through the bond of the covenant of love.
As a young priest, he was a professor and educator in the Seminary of the Pallottine Fathers, in Schoenstatt, Germany. An extraordinary trust united him with his students. They took in his education with great openness because of his love for the Mother of God. They learned from him to see Mary as a bridge that led them to God.
Knowing how to interpret the signs of the times, always attentive to God’s designs, Father Joseph Kentenich, along with a small group of students, sealed a covenant of love with Our Lady in the little Schoenstatt chapel on October 18, 1914. This was the beginning and the foundation of Schoenstatt. Today this Movement of apostolic life continues to spread throughout the world.
During the period following 1914, the people who came in contact with Father Joseph Kentenich grew more and more. Over time, he founded several institutes, branches, and communities for priests, families, men, women, youth, children, and the sick. These are organized into the Secular Institutes, Federations, and the League of the Apostolic Movement of Schoenstatt.
The life of Father Kentenich was marked by the cross. During World War II, he was a prisoner of the National Socialism. He spent more than three years in the concentration camp of Dachau, in Germany. Later on, from 1951 – 1965, he was separated from his work by ecclesiastical determination and was sent to Milwaukee, USA.
Obedient to the Church and faithful to his founding charism, he accepted this form of personal imitation of Christ. For him everything, including the cross, was an expression of God’s merciful love. He himself became a father to many, announcing and living this reality in a convincing way. Throughout his life and his suffering, he wanted to serve the Church which he so much loved.
After the end of the Vatican Council II, he was received in audience by Pope Paul VI. At that time, the Pope expressed his gratitude to him and to his work. Once again, Father Kentenich placed himself and the Schoenstatt Movement at the service of the Church.
On Sunday, September 15, 1968, on the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, after celebrating the Holy Mass, in the Church of the Most Holy Trinity in Schoenstatt, he passed away. His remains are found on the same place where he died. He died with the reputation of sanctity. With his example he tried to inspire in each member of the Schoenstatt Family the motto that he chose for his tombstone: Dilexit Eclessiam; He loved the Church!
The process of his canonization was opened on February 10, 1975. Annually thousands of people visit his place of rest, in the Church of the Most Holy Trinity on Mount Schoenstatt, Germany. There they confidently present their petitions and thank for the graces received through his intercession. Because of his fatherly character, his historical position, and God-willed action while here on earth, he is seen as the third point of contact in the covenant of love.
In 1982, Cardinal Ratzinger _ Holy Father, Benedict XVI_ said:
May Mary, the Mother of the Church, through her faithful servant, Father Joseph Kentenich, teach many men the way of love for the Church so that the strength and joy of faith may penetrate our people and our nation.
Love for Mary should lead us to imitate her as an example of life and that love be reflected in our lives. The prayer of the founder in the Dachau prison camp should also be our prayer to Mary:
Let us walk like you through life, let us mirror you forever,strong and noble, meek and mild, peace and love be our endeavor.Walk in us through our world, make it ready for the Lord.
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