Words from Father Kentenich
Fr. Joseph Kentenich, OME #6, April 15, 1957.- If only you would recognize God’s gift! Paul said, “Dilexit me.” He loved me and surrendered himself for me. He does it daily in Holy Mass.
- Thirdly, I could also tell you: The Savior is also here with the same sacrificial attitude as at the sacrifice of the cross. What attitude was that? Yes, Father! He allowed himself to be murdered on the cross. Why? Because the Father wanted it. He stretched out his arms. Why? Because the Father wanted it. He allowed his hands to be pierced, the feet to be pierced. He allowed his heart to be pierced with the lance, to have a crown of thorns be put on his head. Why all this? Because the Father wanted it for our benefit. Why does he hang on the cross? What is the sentiment that animated him? To fulfill the wish of the Father for our benefit.
- We may never overlook that from the Holy, Holy, or better, from the words of Consecration to Holy Communion, we have the Savior as sacrifice with this gigantic attitude – and the Heavenly Father cannot resist this childlike attitude of the Savior. It is the Savior who implores the Father for me, and he asks not only with words – he offers himself. He is the sacrifice of petition, the sacrifice of atonement, the sacrifice of thanksgiving.
- For how many things we must thank! How very many petitions move our heart! You see, in spirit we offer the Savior to the Heavenly Father during this time and we unite interiorly with his attitude of atonement, with the petitions of the Savior, with the Savior’s acts of adoration towards the Father and the acts of gratitude for all the great and good that we have received.
- Do we sense what a great gift it is that the Savior gave us … Who would adore the Heavenly Father for us – and all this in a way that is infinitely valuable?
- What are we most grateful for?
- From the words of Father Kentenich, we surmise that gratitude is an element of our participation in the work of salvation — after all that is the meaning of Eucharist: gratitude. What can we concretely do in order to secure the spirit of gratitude in our daily lives, as our contribution to salvation?
- When we are grateful, we become aware of our dignity and of God’s gifts. What acts of gratitude can we offer these days?
- How do we teach our children to be grateful to God and to others?